Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just for fun

My friend and I just submitted a video to the Ars Technica science video contest! Anyone can submit a video with a science topic related to biology, physics, or math.

This friend from work is into photography and we have fooled around with the video on her camera for some "internal marketing videos" at the office. So...we decided, why not, let's make a science video.

Here it is: How Making Music Works

It's nothing fancy so don't expect anything. But I like the drums, piano, and glasses of water that we demo.

And now I really respect anyone that makes videos! It's hard to plan out every shot and takes teamwork. But it's also fun and this contest makes me want to try some more!


  1. miki that was bad ass! u got mad skills with the glasses yo! like miss congeniality! shaaa produce miki chan!

  2. If you are serious about entering more video contests, check out the one sponsored by the Society for Neuroscience to make an educational video about the brain or nervous system! E-mail for more info, or go here

  3. Sofia: lol. We could have pulled a miss congeniality if only we had that german dress she wore!

    mle: thanks for the link! I'm checking this out...
